What I did in 2022!
Maker Journal 2022
It's been a while since my last post; after my newborn arrival in December, following up with Lunar New Year Break starting in mid-January, I didn't have much time to write a 2022 review post.
Finally, after everything is over, on the last day of the Lunar New Year, I m here to post a short review of what I did in 2022
I kickstarted my first web3 step to have a profile on Opensea; I got quite a few NFTs which are rewards from learning web3.
I joined the first web3 odyssey BootCamp and got the NFT.
I migrated my blog from Ghost to Hashnode, which I believe is one of the best decisions I have made; so far, I love to blog at Hashnode. A hosted platform is better than self manage the instance.
I extracted the Adalo Custom Component part from my Nocode Agency - VisualDev Studio website and started it as a dedicated website - Adalomatic.
I built an MVP for one of my ideas - Readr; it's pretty rough, and I believe I will have a new version this year.
I wrote some posts about Appwrite for Hacktoberfest 2022; I didn't get the Hacktoberfest t-short because it finished claimed pretty early, but I won the Appwrite loot.
I tried to build a #nocode deals focus aggregator but didn't continue after the passion had gone.
I build an MVP which integrates with Crisp.chat and planning to release it to their marketplace this year.
I build backend services that sync Airtable with Backendless by using Laravel.
Lastly, I built something web3-related for the Nocode November using Typedream - Betahq.xyz. It is a nocode + web3 community which I am going to revamp this year soon.
That's all I did in 2022; it's not that great, but l love what I have achieved! Onward to 2023!